Polka dots & Paisleys stopped taking personalized monogrammed orders on August 29th, 2009 until further notice.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I just wanted to post some pictures of a few burp cloths I recently finished. Enjoy! And, remember to visit my website if you would like to order: polkadotsandpaisleys.com
Ashlie pointed this verse out to me a while ago and I finally used it on a burp cloth:)
"From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise. . . " Psalm 8:2

This is a new material I got: Yellow and Blue toile

Another new material, large paisleys in light pink and light green

Name with polka dots, I will add this to my website within the next week- I'm not sure on the price yet

Lily Sue in polka dot font!

Polka dot font Monogram letter

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